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Status Coverage


The Status Coverage service is a website that aggregates and monitors the status of different websites. This website is built on the Upptime platform.

Guide to access

To use the service, there are the following ways:

  1. Access from this link
  2. From the Navigation bar on the top of this page, select Services
  3. From the Footer at the end of this page, in the Homepage section select Services Portal

Select the Status Coverage service, then click on Access. The website will automatically be redirected to the service page as shown below.

Status Coverage


The application interface uses Vietnamese as the official language.

How to use

Current status

This section will display the current status of the monitored websites. This section provides two important information: the success response rate (status code 200) in percentage and the average response time in milliseconds. This status is updated continuously, and can be aggregated over 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 365 days and All time.

Detailed information

When selecting each website, the corresponding detailed information will be displayed, including:

  • The success response rate (Status Code 200) in percentage
  • The average response time in milliseconds
  • The response time in the last 7 days
  • The incidents that occurred with that website


For ongoing incidents, the system will update the latest information to the system. For incidents that have occurred, the system will save and display them on the website below the Current Status section.