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URL Shortener


The URL Shortener service allows users to shorten long URLs into short ones, which are easier to share and remember.

Guide to access

To use the service, there are the following ways:

  1. Access from this link
  2. From the Navigation bar on the top of this page, select Services
  3. From the Footer at the end of this page, in the Homepage section select Services Portal

Select the URL Shortener service, then click on Access. The website will automatically be redirected to the service page as shown below.



The image above is just a sample in Vietnamese. The actual website will be in English and has the same layout.

Guide to interact

Enter the URL that needs to be shortened into the search bar, then click on Shorten. The system will automatically shorten the URL and display the result to the user.

In case the user enters an invalid URL, the system will display an error message, please check the URL and try again.